
Blog Migration Complete

Okay, I think my two formal blogs have finally settled down with their new titles and URLs. They're at:

The Bosonic State: http://thebosonicstate.blogspot.com/
The Fermionic State: http://thefermionicstate.blogspot.com/

Which means, this blog will cease to operate, though I will probably leave it open indefinitely. But do switch over to the new URLs.

In any case, I've noticed that the old URLs have been taken up by some unknown entities. I'm not sure exactly what they are, but it appears that they're trying to capitalise on my previous site URLs' hits. Ah well... I don't think they'll last long anyway.

1 comment:

Art and Poetry said...

I hope you don't mind me coming to your blog. I see you are interested in Quantum mechanics I am an artist but I have a theory on the two slit experiment. It would be nice to know what you think of it?
I have linked Newtons laws of motion with gravity and time I also have a cat that looks like the one in the photo!

All the best Nick